2017-08-16 circle decoration (bw and color fill)

Folk art-style decorative doodle done with virtual oriental brush #ZenBrush, composited and with color fills and variations of color fills done in photoshop. I thought that #Photoshop saved in the file all the snapshots I made in the history of so many different L*a*b hue/saturation/lightness adjustment variation layers toggled off and on. Nope. So those master settings are gone, but :shrug: I have the rasters at high resolution. Also here: a crossfade of many colors between variations.
"Narmth" is an invented adjective. The hex color scheme used for the color variants here is at: https://github.com/earthbound19/_ebdev/blob/master/scripts/imgAndVideo/palettes/recreated_palette_00001_narmth.hexplt
This first is vector art (an svg), which you may save and reuse. You may reuse these works freely under Creative Commons Attribution 4. I'd appreciate credit in reuse.
The animated variant is concieved as unobtrusive decorative video art. Or maybe it would be distracting. I don't know, because I don't know who displays art as such. Do you?
I made black and white vector art of a doodle and did random color fills of the blank areas from a palette. I automated this with bash scripts and CLI utilities on Windows+MSYS2.
I also strung many of these images together in an animation mostly sorted by next most similar image (also with scripts).
Thumbnails link to larger resolution images, free for personal use.
What does this make you think of / feel / postmodern / angst / ruminate / ritualize? If you do not know, the COMPUTER-GENERATED POSTMODERN "ARTIST STATEMENT" DRAWING HAT can tell you!
I think it's a happy coincidence that my first run of the random color fill script produced grass-like color below and sky-like color above.
I've changed the name of this since after I gave up numbering works (cataloguing them is a technical feat that got away from me), and starting naming some works that I have no better name for by date. This was originally named and titled Work 00091 [+some description about abstract line art with random color fills]. Later, in syndicated media posts I renamed it 2016-11-24, which date is an error. My files named by date for this are 2017-01-13 (with redevelopment later in 2021). Blahuarg.