This is output from an image bomber I coded in Processing, worked up in some impressionist and book illustrative-style presets in Dynamic Auto-Painter Pro (a program that tries to make painterly images from any source image). I then did some layering trickery in Photoshop to blend the styles. The sources for the image bomber were circles in 24 shades of gray aligned to human perception of light to dark (white to black), with some random sizing, squishing, stretching and rotating (which is what the image bomber does)

The purpose of images like this, for me, besides being cool by themselves, is to use them as transparency (alpha) layers for either effect or image layers in image editing programs. For alphas, white areas are opaque and black areas show through.

This is my original work and I dedicate it to the Public Domain. Original image size (see syndication source, or if you're looking at the syndication source, click the thumbnail for the full image) : 3200 x 2392

Done in the very-tacky-named program #procreate, I think. I am never going to say the name of that program without pointing out that it's tacky. Like, extremely tacky. Like how on earth could anyone have thought that name was going to help anything.

I have an ambition to number all my art works, but my backlog of unpublished work is so extensive and that ambition so far out of sight, that you're getting titles from the file names, O Viewer. Unless or until I come back and rename this including a number. Because the only other thing I would do is give abstract works nonsense names that mock postmodernism. The Eye of the Fish is a Balm to the Virulent Saliva of My Soul. Unquenchable Daggers Frame the Fierceness of My Enemy. Voluptuous Horrors Infiltrate My Sexless Madness. Quantitatively Eased Redistributionism Elevates the Indecisive Consciousness of Capitalism. AD NAUSEUM.