![Lines doodled and scanned, fixed up and converted to vector art by yours truly. A hoity-toity robot talks about this at http://s.earthbound.io/artgib ~ Syndicated from, original, print and usage options at http://s.earthbound.io/1d](https://earthbound.io/blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Line-art-mountain-landscape-color-2016-09-20-768x557.jpg)
Variant adapted for 1:1.5 ratio:
![See http://s.earthbound.io/3s for original, print and usage. ~ A hoity-toity robot talks about this at http://s.earthbound.io/artgib](https://earthbound.io/blog/wp-content/uploads/Work-00086-line-art-mountain-landscape-color-2016-09-20-variant-1.5-to-1-aspect-2400px-1-768x512.jpg)
Ripped from a flash video by yours truly; then YouTube took it down. So, this is just a link to the original.
Had been horked from: http://ift.tt/2cuCuWZ
Audio was grabbed with: http://ift.tt/ykWBrB
Screen grab and audio assembled with ffmpeg and command:
ffmpeg -y -loop 1 -f image2 -i Mike_Richards_Caught_In_The_Death_Star.png -i Mike_Richards_Caught_In_The_Death_Star.wav -shortest -crf 22 -r 29.97 Mike_Richards_Caught_In_The_Death_Star.mp4
By yours truly.
Pencil decorative lines doodled and scanned, then fixed up. This sandstone-colors random fill variant was accomplished with the following hex color codes: #e0edb7 #d3d76b #ff8a51 #ff6c3a #dd6624 — and these scripts: potraceAllBMPs.sh, BWsvgRandomColorFill.sh, allSVG2PNG.sh, renumberFiles.sh [png], ffmpegAnim.sh. Tools used: A flatbed scanner, Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator (for svg node reduction while preserving virtually identical appearance), Inkscape, LibreOffice draw, Internet Explorer (for quick svg previews), cygwin (to enable all of the listed .sh scripts), ffmpeg (to create the video via ffmpegAnim.sh) and the SVGOMG web service (to optimize an svg and prepare it for use by BWsvgRandomColorFill.sh). ~ A hoity-toity robot talks about this at http://ift.tt/28Lx6RI ~ Syndicated from, original, print and usage options at http://ift.tt/2cBhH6V
By yours truly.
Pen lines doodled and scanned, then fixed up.
This variant was accomplished with the following hex color codes: #a52a2a #942525 #842121#731d1d #631919 #521515 #421010 #310c0c #210808 #100404 #000000 — and these scripts, all available from http://ift.tt/2cECtEr: potraceAllBMPs.sh, BWsvgRandomColorFill.sh, renumberFiles.sh [svg], allSVG2PNG.sh, ffmpegAnim.sh [7 29.97 20 png]. Tools used: A flatbed scanner, Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator (for svg node reduction while preserving virtually identical appearance), Inkscape, LibreOffice draw, Internet Explorer (for quick svg previews), cygwin (to enable all of the listed .sh scripts), ffmpeg (to create the video via ffmpegAnim.sh) and the SVGOMG web service (to optimize an svg and prepare it for use by BWsvgRandomColorFill.sh).
A hoity-toity robot talks about this at http://ift.tt/28Lx6RI
Syndicated from, original, print and usage options at http://ift.tt/2cEBnIG
By yours truly.
Here is a link to the video at YouTube.
Created in part with http://ift.tt/2cHRjqd and potrace, ffmpeg. A hoity-toity robot talks about this at http://ift.tt/28Lx6RI ~ Syndicated from, original, print and usage options at http://ift.tt/2cHSmWQ
By yours truly.
Created in part with http://ift.tt/2cHRjqd and potrace, ffmpeg. A hoity-toity robot talks about this at http://ift.tt/28Lx6RI ~ Syndicated from, original, print and usage options at http://ift.tt/2cHQrBO
By yours truly.
Fractal flame abstract animation. From selected cross-breeds of favorite sheep from Electric Sheep flock 202.
Rendered with autobrood scripts http://ift.tt/28LwUSO
A hoity-toity robot talks about this at http://ift.tt/28Lx6RI
Syndicated from, original, print and usage options at http://ift.tt/2chXdy7
Pencil decorative lines doodled and scanned, fixed up and converted to SVG format.
This mostly red and cyan variant was achieved with a Filter Forge batik filter.
A hoity-toity robot talks about this at http://s.earthbound.io/artgib
SVG format, which will scale to any resolution without detail loss:
By yours truly.
My brain did this to me on breaks between tasks. So I did this to the computer. A hoity-toity robot talks about this at http://ift.tt/28Lx6RI
By yours truly.
Glitch art with a different inverse-color cross in every frame, by yours truly.
I dedicate the video component of this into the Public Domain. The music sources (noted below) have their respective licenses.
~ Based on glitchy video that happened when I played a video of animated electric sheep in IrfanView–normally it plays video fine, but something went goofy–and I liked it!
~ Inverse-color cross animation accomplished by stringing clip art crosses from openclipart.org together via an nconvert batch, ffmpeg scripts, and Sony Vegas mask generator / invert layering trickery
~ Includes sound recording of Johannes Brahms, A German Requiem, Op. 45 – I. Selig sind, die da Leid tragen – opening – http://ift.tt/2aXrS5j CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 – said recording deliberately digitally butchered by me, as the original coherent recording is otherwise strangely incongrous with the glitch images. Likewise; Felix Draeseke, Requiem, Op.22 – VIII. Agnus Dei – excerpt – http://ift.tt/2aXrqUP CC BY 3.0
~ Syndicated from, original, print and usage options at http://ift.tt/2aXsw2G
By yours truly.
Derived from and license CC BY-SA 4 Scott Draves and the Electric Sheep generation 242, http://ift.tt/QOTUdU
Fractal flame abstract animation. Rendered with autobrood scripts http://ift.tt/28LwUSO
A hoity-toity robot talks about this at http://ift.tt/28Lx6RI
Syndicated from, original, print and usage options at http://ift.tt/2b0hIT3