average of diff and average views of satellite photos of the Earth
average of diff and average views of satellite photos of the Earth
average of diff and average views of satellite photos of the Earth
average of diff and average views of satellite photos of the Earth

This is one of thousands of images like it (each unique though) I've recently generated with an experimental process. The experiment is a success if I may say so.

This is the process to (potentially) get some way cool procedural images from satellite (or any!) images, accomplished with a new script at https://github.com/earthbound19/_ebArt/blob/master/recipes/diff_avg_supercomposites.sh :

Phase I.
– collect several cool satellite images of civilization and/or wilderness, e.g. from this site: https://earthview.withgoogle.com/
– for every image pair in the collection, make a "diff" image (subtract the RGB values of every pixel in one image from every pixel in the other image), and save the result
– for every image pair in the collection, make an averaged image (average the RGB values of every pixel in one image with another), and save the result
Phase II.
– liberally delete less impressive results
Phase III.
– for every diffed result, average it with an averaged result and save that.
– for every averaged result, subtract (diff) a diffed result.
– liberally delete less impressive results. Good luck–with 17 source images and heavy pruning in Phase II, this will give me 17k+ results, so far all of them compellingly cool.

(Phase IV: sort all results by approx. nearest most similar and string them together in a movie of crossfades to see works between the works.)

(Phase V: accidentally produce glitch art because your computer ran out of hard drive space and memory doing all this, but the processing script keeps calling the utilities that do this, and the utilities break. I'll post some glitch results later).

(Phase VI: realize you have a storage and bandwidth problem for your new many gigabytes of images.)

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