Derived of palettes for which a script inserted 1 color perceptually "between" each color. Also the palettes were arranged by perceptual similarity before augmentation.
Augmented palettes grid: 50's Machine Shop

This image was derived of multiple palettes for which a script inserted colors that are perceptually "between" colors. The script is:
See the commends in source code for detail. My intent is color studies of so many palettes I've found that are perceptually overall similar, to get the color out in a grid with suggested "near" colors, and identify what I think are rrrlly the greatest colors of so many suggested near favorites, so I can pick from it to make a palette inspired of them but to rule them all (in my arbitrary aesthetic perception). This result is from a set of similar palettes (which I acquired from a source of many palettes and sorted into similar groups of palettes via, which you'll find in that same repo). Those palettes I named "blue fire," which I attach here after the first image, and which you'll all find at
I've been having so much fun with a local install of Stable Diffusion etc. text to image synthesis, which is a new Artificial Intelligence that takes any text description and makes an image. Which is just magic.
This montage is of a few favorite results combining ideas of a whimsical creature, a landscape, dwellings, and styles of Hundertwasser and Dr. Suess.
Image bomber coded in Processing, with RND size and slight squish of circles of 25 shades of gray. Worked into painterly layers in Dynamic AutoPainter, blended in Photoshop with layer and color effects.
Also in this post (and not in syndicated posts) : the whole image (not just the crop).
Thumbnails link to larger images, free for personal use.
NFT animated crossfade between these variations at
Perhaps folk art-like stylized binary star and background stars, in 8 color variants. This animation slowly crossfades aesthetic pairs. Created in ArtRage, composited and with color variations made in Photoshop. Watercolor and batik-like effects via Filter Forge. Variants are original fire-colored stars, sepia/chocolatey, oceanic (deep blue), gray light on dark and dark on light, dark rose, medium vibrant rose, and light dirty green.
This is my contribution to the OBJKT4OBKT2 free art swap (at the Hic et Nunc crypto art NFT market). Since I arrived late, I'll keep it priced free an extra day.
Available at:
Description: Take a 3D plane and subdivide it to small squares. Apply animated noise to it on the Z axis. Take a gradient of maximum chroma and medium lightness colors, similar to a rainbow, and map it to the elevation view of the noisy plane. Then render the animation, and you get something like this. This could be compared to a geographic elevation map, but with color gradients between lines. It could also be compared to a representation of earth layer evolution.
You need a little bit of Tezos–a newfangled eco-friendly cryptocurrency–to cover the tiny transaction fee to collect free art as part of this art swap. You can get Tezos via the Guarda online wallet and other places, and I recommend the Kukai or Temple web wallets. (If you create your wallet in Guarda, export the private key and import it to the web wallets to access it.)
Thanks to @DiverseNftArt for organizing this event (that's a link to their announce tweet).
My custom Filter Forge filter that helped make this image is incredibly inefficient, so I publish it only at a folder in a git repo (link).
I'm using it as an alpha mask in art I'm updating. I give the image to the public domain. Original (see pub. source -> open from thumbnail) is blown up to 3442 x 1936 pixels.