# ABSA-FREAKING-LUTELY ANYTHING LICENSE 1.0 This license is an instance of the CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication, the text of which is available at: http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ If I have pointed you to this file in connection with original artwork, code, writing, or anything else I have created (work(s), or if I have sent this file to you with a collection of work(s), it is to indicate that I have dedicated the work(s) to the Public Domain. That means the work(s) are completely unecnumbered of any copyright, license, intellectual property restrictions or concerns, etc; you may therefore do anything you want within the boundaries of what is legal and ethical in relation to the works indicated. You may eat them with Green Eggs and Ham. You may pick your nose with them in reverse-time. You may make copies of them and redistribute or sell them without notifying, entering into a license with, or crediting me, because I, the author or creator of the indicated works, waive all license and intellectual property entitlements insofar as is permissable under law. I do retain ethical rights, which no license or law can waive. If you do unethical things with my work, I reserve and may excercize a right to hold you accountable and bring you to justice. You may do absa-freaking-lutely anything (ethical) with the work(s). - Richard Alexander Hall 2020-06-27 12:39 PM