BSaST v0.9.13 seed 1713832960 frame 133

I wrote a script in the Processing language which randomly generates colored, nested circles on a grid akin to my cousin Daniel Bartholomew's work of the same title. When the Processing script runs, it animates the circles, and if you tap on them, their color animates. I entered it in the Springville Museum of Art's 34th Spiritual and Religious Art of Utah Contest (if it makes it into the show, it will be displayed on a large kiosk). [2019-10-04 UPDATE: This work made it into the show! It was on display at the Springville Museum of Art, October 16, 2019 – January 15, 2020.] Here is the artist statement:

" small and simple things are great things brought to pass.." -Alma 37:6

Tap or swipe circles and watch what happens!

Just like your interaction changes this work, I believe that God interferes with reality–sometimes to dazzling effect. I believe that mere existence is amazing besides, or if not, filled with promise.

Images you interact with are "tweeted" @earthbound19bot (Twitter social media).

I coded this in the Processing language with Daniel Bartholomew's support and input. It imitates his original pen and marker works of the same title, with animation, and generating any of about 4.3 billion possible variations at intervals.

BSaST v0.9.13 seed 1713832960 frame 133

I dedicate all these images to the Public Domain. I can literally make 4.3 billion other ones if anyone "steals" these. [UPDATE 2: The kiosk saved as many user-generated works from interactions with it as it could, and I've archived them in my "firehose" gallery here.]


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